C. R. Smith

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There are 3 quotes matching C. R. Smith in the collection:

The DC-3 freed the air lines from complete dependency on government mail pay. It was the first airplane that could make money just by hauling passengers.

C. R. Smith

President American Airlines. The DC-3 specifications were shaped by AA. Quoted in Ceiling Unlimited: The Story of American Aviation From Kitty Hawk to Supersonics, 1953.

We’re going to make the best impression on the traveling public, and we’re going to make a pile of extra dough just from being first.

C. R. Smith

American Airlines, on the introduction of the Boeing 707, in Forbes magazine, 1956.

Nobody can make money in the goddamn airline business these days. The economics represent sheer hell.

C. R. Smith

Former President of American Airlines, in a Time magazine interview published 19 January 1970. .

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