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There are 13 quotes matching Chuck Yeager in the collection:
It makes no difference what a pilot’s reproductive organs are shaped like. It’s skill that matters.
General Chuck Yeager
Quoted in 1987 book Jackie Cochran: An autobiography.
After about 30 minutes I puked all over my airplane. I said to my self, “Man, you made a big mistake.”
Chuck Yeager
Regards his first flight. Quoted in CNN report 50 years later, Yeager proves he still has 'the right stuff', 14 October 1997.
I went up with Yeager in a Piper Cub. I figured if I died while flying with the world’s greatest pilot, it would be OK.
Sam Shepard
Who played Chuck Yeager in the 1983 movie The Right Stuff. Quoted in An Oral History of the Epic Space Film The Right Stuff, Wired magazine, November 2014.
When I posted this quote on Twitter, Chuck remembered flying Sam and wrote that “He barely fit in it”. @GenChuckYeager, Twitter, 21 Janurary 2020.
They don't build airplanes that take superhumans to fly them. If they did, they wouldn't sell very many of them.
Chuck Yeager
Talking to Jackie Cochran, quoted in the 1987 book Jackie Cochran: An autobiography.
Most pilots learn, when they pin on their wings and go out and get in a fighter, especially, that one thing you don’t do, you don’t believe anything anybody tells you about an airplane
Chuck Yeager
Quoted at Chuckyeager.org
If you want to grow old as a pilot, you’ve got to know when to push it, and when to back off.
Chuck Yeager
Line was used in Rolex watch adverts in the middle 1990’s.
I ran out of altitude, airspeed and ideas all at the same time.
When asked why he ejected. Attributed to Tony Lavier, Chuck Yeager, and just about every other well-known hot-shot test pilot
At 42,000' in approximately level flight, a third cylinder was turned on. Acceleration was rapid and speed increased to .98 Mach. The needle of the machmeter fluctuated at this reading momentarily, then passed off the scale. Assuming that the off-scale reading remained linear, it is estimated that 1.05 Mach was attained at this time.
(then) Captain Charles Yeager, Air Corps
Formal typewritten test flight report on first supersonic flight, 14 October 1947. NACA tracking data and the XS-1's own oscillograph instrumentation later showed 'Glamorous Glennis' had attained Mach 1.06 at about 43,000 feet.
Military pilots and then, soon, airline pilots, pilots from Maine and Massachusetts and the Dakotas and Oregon and everywhere else, began to talk in that poker-hollow West Virginia drawl, or as close to it as they could bend their native accents. It was the drawl of the most righteous of all the possessors of the right stuff: Chuck Yeager.
Tom Wolfe
The Right Stuff, 1979.
See two other Tom Wolfe great aviation quotes.
I’ve had a ball.
Chuck Yeager
Last sentence of his autobiography, Yeager, 1985.
I was always afraid of dying. Always. It was my fear that made me learn everything I could about my airplane and my emergency equipment, and kept me flying respectful of my machine and always alert in the cockpit.
General Chuck Yeager
Yeager, An Autobiography, 1985.
I have flown in just about everything, with all kinds of pilots in all parts of the world — British, French, Pakistani, Iranian, Japanese, Chinese — and there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between any of them except for one unchanging, certain fact: the best, most skillful pilot has the most experience.
Chuck Yeager
Yeager: An Autobiography, 1985.
There’s no such thing as a natural-born pilot.
Chuck Yeager
On the High Road With America’s Favorite Flyboy, Air Force magazine, September 1985.
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