Ed Acker

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There are 2 quotes matching Ed Acker in the collection:

Once you get hooked on the airline business, it’s worse than dope. It’s awful hard to get out. It’s got everything you would want for excitement: a capitalintensive, labor-intensive, around-the-clock service business. It calls on all your skills as an executive.

Ed Acker

Chairman of Air Florida, on accepting the job of running Pan Am. Interview in The New York Times, 28 August 1981.

I was thinking about finding a more challenging job, and I asked about being the captain of the Titanic. But they said I was years too late. So I decided to take the job of Pan Am chairman.

Ed Acker

Chairman of Air Florida, on accepting the job of running Pan American World Airways. Interview in The New York Times, 28 August 1981. .

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