George Cayley

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There are 2 quotes matching George Cayley in the collection:

I am well convinced that Aerial Navigation will form a most prominent feature in the progress of civilisation.

Sir George Cayley

1804. In his Aeronautical and Miscellaneous Notebook, c. 1799-1826.

Cayley Notebook

I may be expediting the attainment of an object that will in time be found of great importance to mankind; so much so, that a new era in society will commence from the moment that aerial navigation is familiarly realised … I feel perfectly confident, however, that this noble art will soon be brought home to man’s convenience, and that we shall be able to transport ourselves and our families, and their goods and chattels, more securely by air than by water, and with a velocity of from 20 to 100 miles per hour.

Sir George Cayley

Letter to Journl of Natural Philosopy, 6 September 1809. .

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