Lee de Forest

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There are 2 quotes matching Lee de Forest in the collection:

I do not foresee “spaceships” to the moon or Mars. Mortals must live and die on Earth or within its atmosphere!

Lee deForest

“Father of Radio”, article Electronic Age, Popular Mechanics magazine, Golden Anniversary Issue, January 1952.

Popular Mechanics

Man is inherently an earthly creature, and only his scientific imagination will ever make him a planetary emigrant.

Lee de Forest

Known as the 'Father of Radio' or the 'Father of Electronics', de Forest invented, amonst other things, the first practical electronic amplifier. He had over 300 patents to his name, but could not see the future. The remarks were during an interview with Voice of America radio, reported by the Associated Press in February 1957. He said this year may become known for the first man-made planet, an artificial earth satelite, and history indeed proved him tright about that prediction. However he continued:

“But to place a man in a multi-stage rocket and project him into the controlling gravitational field of the moon, where the passenger can make scientific observations, perhaps land alive, and then return to earth — all that constitutes a wild dream worthy of Jules Verne.

I am bold enough to say that such a man-made moon voyage will never occur regardless of all future scientific advances.”

Apollo 11 above the Moon, NASA .

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