Margery Brown

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There are 3 quotes matching Margery Brown in the collection:

If you are a woman, and are coming to the flying field seeking stimulation, excitement and flattery, you had better stay away until flying is a little bit safer. If you are thinking that flying will develop character; will teach you to be orderly, well-balanced; will give you an increasingly wider outlook; discipline you, and destroy vanity and pride; enable you to control yourself more and more under all conditions; to think less of yourself and your personal problems, and more of sublimity and everlasting peace that dwell serene in the heavens … if you seek these latter qualities, and think on them exclusively, why — FLY!

Margery Brown

What Men Flyers think of Women Pilots, Popular Aviation and Aeronautics, March 1929.

Women are seeking freedom. Freedom in the skies! They are soaring above temperamental tendencies of their sex which have kept them earth-bound. Flying is a symbol of freedom from limitation.

Margery Brown

Flying is Changing Women. Pictorial Review magazine, June 1930.

Why do I want to fly? Because half-way between the earth and sky, one seems to be closer to God. There is a peace of mind and heart, a satisfaction which walls can not give. When I see an airplane flying I just ache all over to be up there. It isn’t for a fad, or a thrill, or pride.

Margery Brown

Flying is Changing Women. Pictorial Review magazine, June 1930. .

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