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There are 2 quotes matching Pauline Gower in the collection:
To be alone in the air at night is to be very much alone indeed … cut off from everything and everyone … nothing is ‘familiar’ any longer … I think that unfamiliarity is the most difficult thing to face; one feels rather like Alice in Wonderland after she has nibbled the toadstool that made her grow smaller — and like Alice, one hopes that the process will stop while there is still something left!
Pauline Gower
Quoted in the 2022 book Pauline Gower: Pioneering Leader of the Spitfire Women.
No it was not the novelty, and it was not the danger and the adventure (although these had their charm). It was certainly not a passing whim (if it had been the hard work would have dispelled it in a very short time!). I think there were three chief reasons for my choice of career:
First, a real love for, and interest in aviation.
Secondly, a determination to earn my own money and to make my career a paying proposition.
Thirdly, a conviction that aviation was a profession of the future and therefore had room to welcome its new followers.
Pauline Gower
Women With Wings, 1938.
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