Prince Philip

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There are 2 quotes matching Prince Philip in the collection:

Predicting the future of aeronautics is particularly tempting because there seems so much to predict. There are also pitfalls. The rate of progress and development is so fast that events have a nasty habit of overtaking predictions. Furthmore the developments themselves change the environment and what may seem desirable or attainable in terms of today can easily be irrelevant in terms of tomorrow.

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Forward to The Future of Aeronautics, edited by John E Allen and Joan Bruce, Royal Aeronautical Society, 1970.

The Future of Aeronautics

Freddie Laker
May be at peace with his Maker.
But he is persona non grata
With IATA.

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Quoted by R. E. G. Davies, Curator of Air Transport at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, in Airlines of the Jet Age: A History, 2001. .

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