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There are 2 quotes matching Top Gun movie in the collection:
Maverick: I feel the need …
Maverick & Goose (together): The need for speed.
Maverick and Goose
Played by Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards In the 1986 movie Top Gun written by Jim Cash and Jack Epps Jr..
Charlie: Excuse me Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?
Maverick: Yes ma’am. The data on the MIG is inaccurate.
Charlie: How’s that Lieutenant?
Maverick:: Well I just happened to see a MIG-28 do …
Goose: We … we.
Maverick: Sorry Goose. We happened to see a MIG-28 do a 4G negative dive.
Charlie: Where did you see this?
Maverick: That’s classified.
Charlie: That’s what?
Maverick: That’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
Charlie, Maverick, and Goose
Played by Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise, and Anthony Edwards in the 1986 movie Top Gun written by Jim Cash and Jack Epps Jr..
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